Some people workout to stay fit.
Some people workout to distress.
Some people workout because they survived a life-threatening disease or illness.
I workout because I am shallow; I want to look good now and wear tight clothes and I want to look fine when I get older and not use a cane.
But I know that if I want the body that I want, I HAVE to work out consistently, not just when it is warm or if I am in the mood.
I recently found a motivational video by Tony Robbins. He talked about how the quality of our lives is based on our standards. What we get out of life are things we say we MUST do/have, not what wish or hope to happen.
For example, if you value health/fitness, a MUST for you is going to the gym 3-5x a week, drinking smoothies daily, choosing fruits over cakes.
Robbins goes on to say that successful people are successful because they have daily rituals, actions they consistently do despite being tired, having to work, busy with kids, etc. He provided the example that a fit person’s morning ritual is to wake up and lace up their shoes and start their workout. An unfit person’s morning ritual involves oversleeping and eating a sugary muffin with a sugary coffee from Starbucks. The unfit person’s ritual isn’t bad, but if they desire to be healthier, their morning ritual will not lead to the results that they want.
As I was listening, I was shocked because Robbins was 100% accurate. How many times have I hoped to be slimmer or more physically active, only to stop after a week of walking or watching dance fitness videos on YouTube. And I made the excuses. “It’s too cold to go for a walk. Once I get new sneakers, I will work out more.”
After listening to the video, I realized that a fit person is no better than me or has special powers; they just put more consistent effort into achieving their health goals.
Now I am more intentional about working out, even if I have work to do. I only have one body and you make time for what is important to you.
So if you all need some motivation to workout, or achieve any goal, I highly recommend this video: 1.) Tony Robbins is wise 2.) He is 60 years old, but looks like he is in his 40s.